Speakers & Moderators (Virtual event)

What is an event without speakers? Read this article to discover how your speakers and moderators can access the platform and their own sessions.

This article explains how to make adjustments manually and the options the admin panel has to offer under 'Users'.


A moderator is a user type that has the same rights as a speaker when connected to a programme item. However, (Moderator) is shown behind the user's name to indicate that the user is a moderator. Just like speakers, they have the right to enter a session before the start of the session.

A user can be granted the right to be a moderator in a programme item by:

The result

Click on the tile called 'Speakers'. A list of speakers will be displayed.

When you click on a speaker, their profile will show. The page includes the talk and/or the company they are connected to.

The options are:

  • Select to request a meeting.

  • Make a connection.

  • Add a personal note.

  • Start a chat.

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