📱Appointments (App)

Allow your users to create appointments with each other and/or exhibitors at the event. Explore how you can use this feature too!

Time Saver: save time by automatically generating appointments for your Exhibitors based on the event program.

Settings -> App Settings -> Networking bubble -> Generate automatic appointment slots for 'Company Stands' based on the event program.

How to set up appointment opportunities

Follow the steps listed below to create appointment locations / rooms and appointment slots to allow users to make appointments.

1. Create an appointment room

An appointment room creates a place where you can create multiple timeslots that users can book. It is important to note that if you want simultaneous timeslots that users can book you will need to make multiple appointment rooms:

  1. Open the 'Admin panel'

  2. Go to to 'Appointments'

  3. Click on the 'Add new appointment room' button

  4. Name the appointment room

  5. Select the room status Choose one of the following options: - Active: the room is active and appointments can be made - Inactive: the room is not active and no appointments can be made here

  6. Click on 'Add appointment room'.

2. Create timeslots in the appointment room

Once you have created an appointment room you need to create available timeslots that users can schedule an appointment at. This can be completed within the relevant appointment room by completing the following steps:

  1. Open the 'Appointments overview'

  2. Search for the relevant appointment room

  3. Click on the 'green box'

  4. Select the option 'Edit slots of this appointment room'

  5. Navigate to the date and time of the desired appointment slot

  6. Either click once to make a default length timeslot or click drag and drop to draw a custom length timeslot and then release once you have selected the desired timeframe

Default timeslots can be set to either 5, 10, 15 or 30 minutes in the appointment settings

Managing appointment slots

You can make adjustments to the appointment slots that you have created. This includes; adjusting the start/ end time of the appointment slot and pre-assigning a slot to a specific company or user(s)

Edit the start/ end time of an appointment slot

You can edit the start/ end time of an appointment slot by completing the following steps:

  1. Open the overview of the Appointment room slots

  2. Click on the relevant timeslot

  3. Click into the relevant field to change the date and time of the slot

  4. Click on 'Save changes'.

Delete a time slot

  1. Open the appointment room

  2. Click on the X symbol next to the relevant timeslot

Pre-assigning users to appointment slots

You can pre-assign timeslots to specific users either individually or in bulk by completing the steps listed below:

  1. Open the relevant appointment room

  2. Click on the relevant timeslot

  3. Under the section 'Who talks at this location' set the First and Second speakers

Pre-assigning companies to appointment slots

You can pre-assign timeslots to specific companies either individually or in bulk by completing the steps listed below:

  1. Open the relevant appointment room

  2. Click on the relevant timeslot

  3. Under the section 'Who owns this location?' select the relevant company name in the 'Owner company' field

Bulk edit appointment

There are many ways you can speed up the process of creating, editing and deleting your appointments within the admin panel. From the appointment overview page if you click on the menu icon of a room you are given the options listed and described below:

Edit slots of this appointment room: Opens the specific appointment room and allows you to create timeslots Edit appointment room details: Allows you to change the appointment room name

Duplicate appointment room: Makes a single duplicate of the appointment room and any timeslots already created within it

Make multiple copies of the appointment room: This allows you to choose how many times you want to duplicate your appointment room

Duplicate special: Allows you to make a duplicate of the appointment room and timeslots automatically for all users with a selected tag of your choice

Change all slots on this day: This allows you to change the ownership of all timeslots of the day

Change all slots in this room: Allows you to change the ownership of all timeslots of the room

Delete appointment room: This will delete the appointment room and all of the timeslots created

Delete all appointment rooms: Deletes all appointment rooms and timeslots of the entire event

How can users make appointments in the app

Users can make appointments directly within the app with fellow attendees and/or exhibitors at the event by:

  1. Opening the specific users' or exhibitors' page

  2. Click on 'Request appointment'

  3. Select the desired date

  4. Select a time

  5. Click 'Save'

You can find an overview of all appointments made under 'Table view'.

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