Creating user tags

Here's how you can create a user tag in the system in order to assign a label to or categorize the different type of visitors of your event.

How to manually create a user tag

You can quickly and easily create a user tag from the admin panel by completing the following steps:

  1. Open the Admin panel

  2. Go to Users --> All users

  3. Select 'User tags' --> +New tag

  4. Give the tag a name

  5. Select 'Add tag' to Save

The even easier way to create user tags

Although the manual option provides a quick way of creating single user tags in the admin panel there is a much quicker and simpler way of creating multiple user tags at once and assigning them directly to users through the use of an Excel import.

When importing your user into the system with an Excel sheet you can fill in the column named 'User tags' the specific tags you would like to create and assign them to the specific user as shown in the example below:

Hint: you can even assign multiple tags to a user at once by adding a comma + a space i.e. Exhibitor, VIP, Day One

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