Programme (App)

Programme items are the content that make up the schedule for your event, for example talks and keynote speeches. This article breaks down how to add/edit/delete programme items and more.

How it works

Your programme can be displayed in multiple ways within your App. You can discover how you can display you programme here

  1. Open and log in to the app

  2. Open the navigation and click on programme

  3. The programme that you have created in the Admin panel will now be displayed in the program view selected.

How to create your programme

You can create your events programme either manually or via an Excel import within the Admin panel. The most efficient way is through the Excel import method.

Manually create a programme item

You can manually create a programme item using the following method:

  1. Open the Admin panel

  2. Go to 'Content' --> 'Programme'

  3. Click on the green button '+ New Session'

  4. Fill in the relevant data fields (please see table below)

  5. Click 'Add session' to save



Session name


Plenary: these are sessions where all attendees should be present.

Workshop: Allows you to set an attendance limit on a session. You must enable the setting first.

Session Type

Choose from: Not virtual: this is the default program type Treasure hunt: creates a program item that directs the user to the treasure hunt overview.

Start time*

Start time of session

End time*

End time of session


Description displayed on session page


Image displayed on session page and programme overview

Enable chat functionality

Enables users to chat within the session

Enable poll functionality

Enables polls to be used in a session

Enable question and answer functionality

Enable Q&A to be used in a session

Set questions public by default

Makes all Q&A visible

Connecting sessions

Programme tags

Connect tags to your session


Give your session a location

Access tags

Allows only users who have the specific tag(s) to enter the session.


Connects a speaker to the session


Connects a moderator to the session


Connects a company to a session


Registers a user for the session and adds it to their personal programme

Futher Actions

Above the headers are three buttons for you to add new and manage programme items/workshop rounds. To the left is 'Actions', and on the right are 'New session' and 'New workshop round'.


  • Export programme: Download the programme as an Excel file.

  • List of all subscriptions: View a breakdown of each programme item.

  • Export subscriptions: Download the subscription data for each programme.

  • Export QR codes: genarates session QR codes that can be displayed for self check-in

  • Export questions (excel): Download questions asked during the virtual event session as an Excel file.

  • Export questions (PDF): Download questions asked during the virtual event session as a PDF file.

  • Programme tags: Manage the tags that link to your programme items.

  • Programme iframe: Genarates a link to display the session chat/Q&A/ Poll on an external screen.

Editing and deleting programme items

Each programme item has two icons to its right (Under actions):

Bulk editing programme items

To bulk edit multiple programme items, select the checkboxes on the left-hand side in the programme overview. Several buttons will appear in the top left corner. They allow you to bulk edit the selected programme items:

  1. Adding tags

  2. Removing tags

  3. Add a location

  4. Changing the type

  5. Deleting

Sub sessions

When having multiple short sessions during one longer session, you can choose to enable sub-sessions. You can set this up as follows:

  1. Hover over settings and select 'virtual event settings'.

  2. Select 'Programme' from the left side.

  3. Enable 'Program item can have sub-sessions' and save changes.

  1. When the sub-sessions are enabled, hover over to 'content' and select 'Programme'.

  2. Create a new session, fill in the fields and save.

  3. Add your sub-session, fill in the fields and save.

Session statistics

You can view some statistics (Such as the number of subscribed users) for each programme item or workshop round. To find those statistics programme's home page, follow the following steps:

Connecting programme items

  1. Create a relevant programme tag (As described in the tags tab here).

  2. Create/edit a workshop round (As described above), and link the newly made tag under the 'Connecting workshop rounds' section.

  3. All programme items that you've created and/or edited that link to any tag, will now nest under that round.

Note: Programme tags can also be used by attendees during the event to filter the programme


Additional settings for programmes within the admin panel can be found here.

Last updated

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