Assigning user tags

Let's assign some tags to your users so you can label or categorize the visitors of your event.

There are a few ways in which you choose to assign a user tag to your users

Manually assign a tag to a user

You can manually assign a (pre-created) tag to a user from the admin panel by completing the following steps:

  1. Open the admin panel

  2. Go to 'Users' --> 'All users'

  3. Search for the user you wish to assign a tag to

  4. Scroll down to 'Tags'

  5. Search for the relevant tag

  6. Select 'Add' to connect the tag (You can add multiple tags)

  7. Make sure you save your changes

Automatically after completing a registration form

If you are using the Let's Get Digtal registration form you can choose to automatically assign a (pre-created) user tag to the person who has completed the form (discover how here).

Assign your tags through an excel import (Fastest option ⭐️)

When importing your user into the system with an excel sheet you can fill in the column named 'User tags' the specific tags you would like to create and assign it to the specific user as shown in the example below:

Bulk assign your users tags from the user overview

You can bulk assign (pre-created) user tags to users from the user overview in the admin panel by completing the following steps:

  1. Open the admin panel

  2. Go to 'Users' --> 'All users'

  3. Click on the check box next to the users you want to add a tag to

  4. Select the relevant tags you wish to connect the users (multiple tags possible)

  5. Click 'Save'

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