Session tags (App)
Session tags help categorize and filter sessions, making it easier for attendees to find relevant content. You can create, assign, edit, or delete session tags manually or in bulk via an Excel import.
How to set up Session tags
You can either manually create Session tags from within the Admin panel or you can include them in the programme Excel file to create new programme tags in bulk.
How to manually create a Session tag
Open the Admin panel
Go to 'Content' --> 'Programme'
Click on 'Actions'
Select 'Session tags'
Click on '+ New tag'
Name the tag
Click 'Add tag'
How to generate Session tags via the Progamme Excel import
Session tags can be generated (and assigned) to sessions when setting up the programme via an excel import.
The example below assumes you are using our Excel templates
Open the Excel temples - Sheet: Programme
Navigate to Column K
List the Session tags for each session (Separate multiple Session tags with commas + a space if needed)
Once imported the Session tags will be generated and/or assigned to relevant session.
How to edit/ delete Session tags
You can edit/ delete Session tags from the Session tag overview.
Pen icon: Click here to make adjustments similarly to when you're first creating a tag. Delete icon: Click here to remove the tag altogether.
Can I add/ remove Sessions tags from sessions in bulk?
Yes! From the Admin panel complete the following steps:
Open the Admin panel
Go to Content --> Programme
Select the sessions you want to amend (You can select all by clicking the box in the top left of the table)
Choose either Add/ Remove tags
Last updated
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