Import / Upload Data
You can take control over the Importing of your event data into the system! This article describes how you can successfully do so.
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You can take control over the Importing of your event data into the system! This article describes how you can successfully do so.
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You can import various data in bulk for your event directly into the admin panel using the 'Import data tool'.
We have created easy-to-use Excel templates that we recommend using.
To import data into the system you must have first filled and completed one of our relevant Excel templates.
Log in to the event Admin panel
Go to Settings -> Import data
Click on the button '+New import' & choose the option Excelsheet(s)
Pro-tip: We advice you to first import the speakers and afterwards the program. In the program Excel you can include the external IDs of the speakers, to easily link them to their respective sessions.
Drag and drop the Excel file or click to select the relevant Excel file and click 'Start upload'.
Select the type of data that you will be importing (you can refer to the Excel sheet name)
Ensure that the data is correctly mapped (Refer to section: Mapping Data)
Check the import settings are correct (please refer to Import settings)
Click on the button 'Submit, preview import' a test import will now begin and check for any errors (If errors are found please refer to the section: Import errors
Click on the button 'Confirm import'
The data you are importing must be mapped correctly before you complete the import. Please take your time to read through this section as it explains how you can check that the data is mapped correctly and what to look out for.
Is field set to unique value?
Pro-tip: We advice you to always set one field as a unique value! This way duplicates can be avoided best. Make sure to choose a value that truly is unique (they should not be entered more than once to the Admin Panel). For users the value of choice would be the external ID, for the program it could be the session names.
Does the 'Header' match the 'Let's Get Digital value'?
Do all rows have a green tick in the mapped column?
When updating data have you clicked on the 'Don't overwrite' option to prevent data from being updated?
There are seven columns in the mapping overview that help you map the data correctly. The table below describes the function of each column:
This is the text at the very top of each column listed in the Excel file
Preview information
This is a preview of the top 3 Excel rows (under the header)of each column in the uploaded Excel file.
Import as
Here you can choose from 3 different options Option 1 'Value': Data imported as a value will be imported has standard data (this will allow duplicated data to be imported). Option 2 'Unique value': This option imports the data as a unique value. When importing data with unique values the system will check to see if the date already exsists in the platform, if the data exists it will not create a new set of data and will try to only update the exsisting data for example;
You are importing users into the system, you select the External ID field as the unique value, the system scans the system for the External ID of the user, when the External ID is not found a new user is created, however, if the External ID was found the system would not create a new user and only update the users data if applicable.
Let's Get Digtital property
This is where the data will be linked to within the system. It is important that you check the header column matches the Let's Get Digital value. For example; If the Header is 'Name of session' the Let's Get Digital value should be set to 'Name of session'
Sets the language that the data should be connected to. (This only applies if you have the Multi-language setting enabled)
Manage exisiting values
This allows you to select whether or not the data in a particular column should be overwritten (if selected the column will be ignored by the system and not updated)
Note: Before you can import Additional data fields the data field must be created in the Admin panel manually. Once created it will then be possible to map.
At the bottom of the mapping page, you will find the import settings. Here there are some essentials areas that need checking before you can continue.
Date format
Here you must select how the date is formatted in the Excel file. You can choose from our standard date formats or list your own custom format.
Tag separator
Choose how you separated multiple values in one cell, for example tags. Make sure that there is a space after your symbol of choice, e.g. 'Attendee, Student'
Ignore duplicate values
This ignores duplicate entries of unique columns. When disabled and there are two entities found with the same unique values it will stop the importer and ask you to remove the duplicate entry.
Ignore invalid URL's
If selected the system will ignore any URL's that are invalid.
Skip invalid emails
If selected the system will ignore any invalid emails.
Mark unmapped columns as do not import
If a row has not yet been mapped you can choose to not import the row. (only visible if a row has not been mapped.
This section explains what you can do to fix any errors that are flagged in the test import.
Once an error has been flagged there are some simple steps you can take to see where the error stems from.
Underneath the error warning you will see a section named 'Import errors'. There are three columns which are explained below:
Error - will tell you the name of the error Description - will indicate what has caused the error Row index(es) - will tell you the exact row(s) and columns where the error occurs within the Excel file.
First look for the name of the error (in the error column)
Read the description to see what has caused the error
Click on the link (in the Row index column) to read where you can fix the error in the Excel file.
You can import images for users, program items and company logos. When importing images for users, it is important to name the PNG or JPG files exactly the same as the names or external IDs of the users, so that they will be linked automatically by the importer. Otherwise, you will need to link them manually.
If you would like to import program item images or company logos, the names of the files should also match exactly the company/program item names. When the images are ready to be imported, you can log in to the admin panel and navigate to 'Settings' -> 'Import data' -> '+ New import' -> Image(s). Here. you can drag-and-drop your images and then scroll through to check that all the images have been linked correctly or link them manually:
Afterwards, you can scroll down and press on the 'Finalize' button to save the images to the admin panel.
If the data has been mapped to a property a Green tick will appear (each field must have a green tick to complete the import)