Files (App)
Here you can find all the information you need on how to create/add, edit, and delete files from within the admin panel.
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Here you can find all the information you need on how to create/add, edit, and delete files from within the admin panel.
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Available for: in-person events; packages: core, advanced and extensive
To find the files feature within the admin panel, hover over the content tab and select 'Files'.
Here are some ideas for files you could upload to utilise this function:
Supporting documents that speakers mention during their talk.
Additional information that continues a custom page's topic.
Dining/Catering menu's.
A programme item's presentation.
Example contracts.
All types of files are supported. The following type of files are also supported, without having to download them before viewing: pdf, jpeg, jpg, png & gif. Note that the maximum size to upload is 50 MB.
Go to Content - Files
Add file tags (if needed) if you wish to categorise and order your files in a certain way.
Click on 'New file'.
Drag and drop your file to be uploaded, or click on the same space to find it manually on your PC.
Choose the following two checkboxes (if applicable): 'Should this file be visible in the virtual event?' and/or 'Should this file be visible on demand'.
Couple the file with a programme item, page, company, or user. Do this by selecting the relevant tab and searching for what you want to couple it to.
Choose an 'access tag', if desired.
Click on 'Add file'.
Tip: Use the left-hand tabs as a filter to find the places you want to couple a file to, as they can be coupled to more than one place, such as 3 users, 1 programme, and 2 companies.
Each file has two icons to its right:
To bulk edit multiple files, select the checkboxes on the left-hand side in the file overview. Several buttons will appear in the top left corner. They give you the opportunity to bulk edit the selected files:
Add tags to selected files
Remove tags from selected files
Overwrite settings of selected files
Delete selected files at once
Follow the instructions in the navigation article here to find out how to add this (and other features) to your app!
- Edit icon: Click here to make adjustments similar to when adding a file. - Delete icon: Click here to remove the file altogether.