Additional data fields
If there is a piece of information you want to add to your users and/or companies profiles then you can add these fields in the advanced settings. This article will explain how this can be done.
The home page
To find the additional data fields feature within the admin panel:
Hover over to settings.
Select 'Additional data fields'.
Managing additional profile fields
Creating a new field
There are a number of different types of profile fields you can create. They are:
Yes/No - An additional tick box.
Numeric - An additional numerical digit-only field.
Text - An additional character field.
Link - To add an external URL link.
Phone number - A phone number field.
Address - An address field.
Select with multiple fields - Option to add multiple different options
The process for adding each of these is broadly similar:
Open the additional data fields home page.
Select the type of field you want to add from the buttons along the top (described above).
3. Complete the fields as applicable (Any fields marked with a * are mandatory). 4. Click on 'Add custom field'.
Note: Different or additional options may apply to some of the additional data fields you can create, and therefore may not be represented in the video example above.
Editing and deleting new fields
Each new field has two icons to its right (Under actions):
Note: Edits to your new profile field will apply immediately for any new users/companies etc, however, old users remain unaffected until edited, even if the new field is now mandatory.
The result
Last updated
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