NPS (Virtual event)

This article explains how you can collect NPS data from the attendees of your event.

Available for: online events; packages: advanced and extensive

What is NPS?

The Net Promoter Score is an index ranging from -100 to 100 that measures the willingness of customers to recommend a company’s products or services to others. It is used as a proxy for gauging the customer’s overall satisfaction with a company’s product or service and the customer’s loyalty to the brand.

Setting up the navigation (menu/lobby tile)

The 'Leave a review' function to collect NPS data may be added to either the virtual event menu or a lobby tile.

  1. Name the item and select 'Default' for 'Set link to related page' and choose 'Leave a Review'.

  2. Click on 'Add navigation item'.

Managing your feedback

  1. In the admin panel, hover over the 'Communication' tab, click 'Feedback' and then select 'NPS'.

  1. The page displays information about NPS, an overview of the response data and also an option to export the responses.

Push message

You can also set up a push message to remind attendees to fill in the NPS survey.

  1. In the admin panel, hover over 'Settings' and select 'General settings'.

  2. Click on 'NPS' on the left-hand side menu.

  3. Scroll down to the 'NPS' section and set the time of the push message.

  4. Users will receive a push notification at the set time.


  1. In the admin panel, hover over 'Settings' and select 'Virtual event settings'.

  2. Click on 'Feedback'.

  3. Scroll down to the 'NPS' section

  4. Here you can adjust various settings about the NPS system for your event:


Send NPS push message at:

Schedule the time when a push message should be send out to all attendees to fill in the NPS form

Display NPS Popup when push message is send

When enabled, the NPS questionnaire will automatically open with the push message

Show NPS popup when leaving the event

When enabled, the attendee will be asked to fill out the NPS questionnaire when trying to leave the event (close the tab), in case they have not filled it out yet.

Enable NPS encouragement video

When enabled, an encouragement video (based on the NPS score) will be displayed after the users gives an NPS score, which improves the number of feedback that is given.

Youtube url (or Vimeo ID) for a promoter video

Video that appears after the attendee filled out the NPS questionnaire with a 9 o 10. When left empty, the default video will be used.

Youtube url (or Vimeo ID) for a neutral video

Video that appears after the attendee filled out the NPS questionnaire with a 7 or 8. When left empty, the default video will be used.

Youtube url (or Vimeo ID) for a detractor video

Video that appears after the attendee filled out the NPS questionnaire with a 1 to 6. When left empty, the default video will be used.

Enable NPS encouragement confetti

If enabled, confetti will be displayed in the colors of the event when a user gives a score of 9 or 10.

Extra form URL

A page to this URL will be opened after the user answered the NPS question. Can be sued to collect additional information, if necessary.

The end result

Users will be able to find the ‘Leave a review’ button on the navigation bar at the top, as a lobby tile or in the menu on the right hand side.

Once the questionnaire has been filled in, the button will not show anymore for this attendee in the navigation bar at the top.

Last updated

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