Registration & pre-event page settings
This article explains how you can adjust the settings on your registration/ pre-event page.
How to find this settings page
You can find this settings page by going to:
Settings --> General settings --> Registration & pre-event page
Settings table
Registration form
Choose the registration form that should be shown on the pre-event page. *You can choose a single form or a group of forms to show multiple
Enable automatic matching of users and companies based on company name
If enabled users who have filled in a company name of an exsiting company in the system they will be connected as an exhibitor or the company automatically.
Enable the RSVP Module
When enabled you will have the option to include in a RSVP option in your mails
Go to pre-event page
Allows you to go to the pre-event page
Show help button on pre-event page
Enable to place a help button on the pre-event page. The button will be connected to either:
Email the oganisation & FAQ
Show exhibitors on pre-event page
Pick if the exhibitors will be shown at the bottom of the landings page.
Show program on pre-event page
The program will be displayed at the bottom of the pre-event page
Show users with a specific tag on the pre event page
You can choose a tag, users with this tag will then be dispayed on the pre event page. By default, the speakers are shown, here you can add another group of user to be displayed. The speakers will still be displayed as well then.
Show speaker circles on pre-event page
When enabled 3 speakers of the event will be shown in sepreate circle frame at the top of the pre-event page. If specific speakers are not chosen under the setting 'Select featured speaker' the speakers will be set randomly and will change when the page is refreshed
Show speakers on pre-event page
Link where users can go to order tickets (Connected to the setting below)
Provide a link to where your users can purchase a ticket. This will appear as a button on the pre-event page 'No ticket' users can click this button which will either take them to the ticketing page OR If the setting 'Show link to page as an iframe on pre-event page' the ticketing page can be viewed from the pre-event page.
Show link to page as an iframe on the pre-event page
When a link to the ticketing page is set the page will appear as an iframe on the pre-event page.
Impressum URL
You can add your own impressum/privacy/data policy URL here
Select the content for the left side of the homepage
Your selection here determines what your visitors will read
Select the content for the right side of the homepage
Select featured speaker 1
Select a speaker here. Your selection of speaker determines
who of the speaker will be shown on the landing page. (largest circle)
Select featured speaker 2
Select a speaker here. Your selection of speaker determines
who of the speaker will be shown on the landing page.
(middle largest circle)
Select featured speaker 3
Select a speaker here. Your selection of speaker determines who of the speaker will be shown on the landing page. (smallest circle)
Enable Let's Get Digital copyright
Select the content for the right side of the homepage
Your selection here determines what your visitors will read
Pre-event video
Add a video to the pre-event page. (This will remove all speaker circles)
Last updated
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