Managing user tags

You can manage the created and assigned user tags easily in the admin panel

Once a user tag has been created you can still edit and delete the tag.

How to edit a user tag

You can edit your already existing user tag from the admin panel by completing the following steps:

  1. Open the admin panel

  2. Go to 'Users' --> 'All users'

  3. Click on the button 'User tags'

  4. Search for the tag you wish to edit

  5. You can now make the relevant changes to the tag

Make a user tag hidden

When editing a user tag you can choose to make it hidden by selecting the option 'Should this tag be hidden?'

This will allow the tag to be used without showing on a user's profile in the App and/ or Virtual event platform.

Arrange user tags in order

Whilst editing a user tag you can arrange its place in the tag order by placing a number under the section 'Order (lower numbers appear higher in the list)'

For example, the user tag with the order position 1 will be listed at the top of the user tag list.

Event access (date & time)

It is possible to provide users access to specific days of the Virtual event based on their tags. This function can be set up using the following steps:

  1. Open the Admin panel

  2. Go to Settings --> Virtual event settings --> General

  3. Check the box 'Enable access per event day (based on user tag)'

  4. Now create a 'New Tag' or edit an existing Tag

  5. Enter the 'Start date' that users with the tag can enter the Virtual event.

  6. Enter the 'End date' that users with the tag can enter the Virtual event.

  7. Click 'Add tag' or 'Save changes'

How to delete a user tag

  1. Open the admin panel

  2. Go to 'Users' --> 'All users'

  3. Click on the button 'User tags'

  4. Search for the tag you wish to delete

  5. The tag has now been deleted

Some default system tags are not possible to delete and can be hidden

Last updated

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