Technical (Virtual event)
We are answering your technical questions here.
Which browsers are supported? We currently support:
Google Chrome (v50 or higher) (recommended for best performance)
Mozilla Firefox (49.x or higher)
Safari (12.1 or higher)
Microsoft Edge (81)
We recommended speakers use Google Chrome.
VPNs or specific corporate networks may block outbound/inbound media. To make sure that a specific network is not interfering, it is recommended to perform a small test.
How can I check if my operating system is supported for the platform and its sessions? This website provides insight into some common issues.
The page includes:
Platform services check.
Video tests.
Session services check, including a browser and webcam check.
Frequently asked questions concerning common issues.
Please share this page with users who experience issues before contacting the Helpdesk.
My camera and microphone are not working, how do I fix this? This page explains how to set up your camera and microphone in Google Chrome or Safari.
Is it possible to attend an online event anonymously? When an attendee responds in the chat of a session or asks a question the name will always show in the chat. It is possible to not be listed on the attendee list. However, in that case, you will not be able to engage in 1-on-1 chats and other networking activities. Therefore attending anonymously is not recommended, since the attendee will miss out on parts of the event.
Is the QR code an attendee receives unique? What happens when it is forwarded to a random person? Personal QR codes are unique. These QR- codes are sent via our onboarding system. Only one QR code per session is allowed. As soon as someone logs in using that same QR code the other person will be logged out immediately.
Is it possible to obtain an overview of the actions taken by all the attendees (e.g. which attendees have had a video chat and with whom)? There is an overview in the admin panel where all actions and interactions of attendees are logged. This mostly includes quantitative data like the number of connections an attendee has made. In the evaluation report, the event manager receives after the event more quantitative data is shared.
Is there a maximum number of attendees that can attend a discussion at the same time during a workshop (in terms of camera and/or microphone)? In theory, no. We do, however, advise a maximum of 10 attendees who use a microphone and camera simultaneously and to mute other attendees.
Is it possible to display the time of a certain time zone (e.g. Central European Time) or is it also possible to adjust it to an attendees' local time zone? The local time will be displayed. We are working on a function where you can display the time of a certain time zone next to an attendee's local time. This way, it will be easier for attendees to stick to the programme if they are attending from different parts of the globe. In the admin panel, you can select whether users can change to their time zone instead of the event's default.
Is it possible to access Let's Get Digital via a smartphone/tablet? No, Let's Get Digital is desktop-optimized and not accessible via a smartphone/table.
Is it possible to integrate Slido? You can load Slido into the app, just like Mentimeter.
Is it possible to have several audio streams? (for example different languages) OnSync is not designed for this particular purpose but you could broadcast via two different audio streams simultaneously and your audience would then be able to mute the one they donβt want to listen to. You can invite the second speaker as a moderator. It is possible to have multiple moderators in a meeting. Alternatively, you could open separate accounts, one for each language, and then send your customers to the particular language room they are interested in. Whichever method you choose, you would have to use a separate computer for each mic and of course, this does not have to be limited to two streams, it can be as many as you want.
There are some invalid signs which cannot be used in the platform, for example, in the programme, company and user descriptions:
A user has to use:
< instead of using <
> instead of using >
Last updated
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