💻Virtual influencers (Virtual event)

'Virtual influencers' is a special feature which allows you to create a positive atmosphere for your event.

Available for: online events; packages: core, advanced and extensive

What are virtual influencers?

Virtual influencers are 'bot' users that enter the platform and perform a variety of actions that make your event look more lively and populated. These users can be programmed to act in a specific way, for example, to send specific messages at certain times.

Managing virtual influencers

In the admin panel, hover over 'Virtual Event' and click on 'WOW effects', then choose 'Virtual influencers'.

General settings

The general settings for the virtual influencers are explained in detail below:


Number of virtual influencer

The desired amount of virtual influencers that will be created and enter the platform during the event

Percentage of virtual influencers with a profile image

Choose how many of the virtual influencers will have (automatically generated) profile pictures.

Virtual influencer tags

You can choose tags that will automatically be added to all the virtual influencers

What nationalities should the virtual influencers have?

You can choose the nationalities of the virtual influencers, which will influence their names (the names are randomly generated from typical names of the set countries)

Start time for virtual influencers

When the Virtual Influencers start entering the event

End time for virtual influencers

When all Virtual Influencers leave the event

Join and leave speed

How many seconds after the start time the virtual influencers join the event - and how many seconds before the end time of the event the virtual influencers start leaving

Join and leave speed per session

How many seconds from the start and end the virtual influencers join/leave a session/program item

Percentage of virtual influencers who stay in the lobby

Percentage of the virtual influencers that do not join any program item but stay in the lobby instead

Note: The virtual influencers will not influence the statistics of your event. The data stays 'clean'.

Messages settings

The virtual influencers can be programmed to send out specific messages.

Schedule messages to be sent when joining the event

In the virtual influencers menu, click on 'Scheduled: Event joined' on the left side to adjust how many and what messages should be sent out by the virtual influencers:

Currently, you can load preset 'join' messages in English, German and Dutch. Alternatively, you can also add your own custom messages by writing them in the 'Messages' field.

Note: If a specific message should be sent out multiple times, it has to be added multiple times, as every message in this field will only be sent out once.

Schedule messages to be sent when leaving the event

In the virtual influencers menu, click on 'Scheduled: Event leave' on the left side to adjust how many and what messages should be sent out by the virtual influencers:

Currently, you can load preset 'leave' messages in English, German and Dutch. Alternatively, you can also add your own custom messages by writing them in the 'Messages' field.

Note: If a specific message should be sent out multiple times, it has to be added multiple times, as every message in this field will only be sent out once.

Schedule messages to be sent when joining sessions

In the virtual influencers menu, click on 'Scheduled: Session join' on the left side to adjust how many and what messages should be sent out by the virtual influencers:

Currently, you can load preset 'session_join' messages in English. Alternatively, you can also add your own custom messages by writing them in the 'Messages' field.

Note: If a specific message should be sent out multiple times, it has to be added multiple times, as every message in this field will only be sent out once.

Schedule messages to be sent when leaving sessions

In the virtual influencers menu, click on 'Scheduled: Session leave' on the left side to adjust how many and what messages should be sent out by the virtual influencers:

Currently, you can load preset 'session_leave' messages in English. Alternatively, you can also add your own custom messages by writing them in the 'Messages' field.

Note: If a specific message should be sent out multiple times, it has to be added multiple times, as every message in this field will only be sent out once.

Set up messages to be sent directly

In the virtual influencers menu, click on 'Direct messages 1' on the left side to prepare the messages that should be sent out directly at a given moment by the virtual influencers:

During the event, whenever these messages should be sent out, you then navigate to this section and click on 'Send this now'. The virtual influencers present at the respective session or in the lobby will then send the message(s).

Note: If a specific message should be sent out multiple times, it has to be added multiple times, as every message in this field will only be sent out once.

You can also prepare another direct message for your event by clicking on 'Direct messages 2':

Managing chat messages of virtual influencers

If attendees of your event send messages to virtual influencers, you can check them and reply. In the virtual influencers menu, click on the 'Chat' button in the top right corner:

Note: Attendees have no way to see that the virtual influencers aren't 'real' users. If they are invited to appointments or receive calls, they will just not respond and not attend.

The end result

Last updated

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