Photo albums (App)

There is a dedicated section for every picture that can all be saved in one location and is customisable. This article explains all of the associated features of photo albums and how to manage them.

Available for: in-person events; packages: core, advanced and extensive

Managing photo albums

Creating an album

  1. Open the Admin panel

  2. Go to Content --> Photo albums (App)

  3. Click on New album

  4. Enter a name for your album.

  5. Click on 'Add album'.

Manage your photo album

Each photo album has three action icons to the right:

Edit/customise icon: Click here to make fill, edit, and customise your album.

Sort: Change the order

Delete icon: Click here to remove the photo album altogether.

Adding photo's to your album

  1. Open the home page.

  2. Click on the edit/customise icon next to your album (Under actions).​

  3. A) Click on 'Upload a file'. B) Drag and drop your photo's into the allocated space.

Tip: Images are saved automatically. Refresh your web browser and you'll be able to see them as loaded into the album.

Editing/customising your album

There are several edits/customisations you can make to your album. Flick between the tabs below to see exactly what you can do:

  1. Click on the edit/customisation icon next to your album (Under actions).

  2. Click on the star icon in the top left corner of the photo you wish to make a thumbnail.


Follow the instructions in the navigation article here to find out how to add this (and other features) to your app!

The end result

Last updated