Custom URL (Virtual event)

We offer the option to customise the URL of the virtual event platform.

A custom URL can be set up by either buying the domain yourself or by ordering a custom URL for a fee by contacting your personal Event Consultant. The processes for both situations are outlined below in more detail.

Please consult the below document for more information about add-ons like a custom domain name:

Buying the domain through Let's Get Digital

In case you would prefer to order the customised URL through Let's Get Digital please inform your personal Event Consultant about your preferred custom URL. We will request the custom URL and once approved the URL will be connected to the virtual event environment.

Buying the domain yourself

When you are the owner of a domain, the A-record has to be changed by the hosting provider or account holder. There are several options depending on if Cloudflare or a different provider is used:

  • Cloudflare is used as a subdomain but other providers are not hosted via your own domain.

    • A business subscription to Cloudflare is required. In this case, you are only able to forward one subdomain.

  • Domain runs on Cloudflare

    • Point a domain/subdomain A-record to (make sure the domain is proxied).

    • Inform your personal Event Consultant including the full domain and configuration number_name and inform them that the domain is proxied through Cloudflare.

  • Using another provider than Cloudflare

    • Point a domain/subdomain A-record to

    • Inform your personal Delivery Consultant including the full domain and configuration number_name and inform them that the domain is not proxied through Cloudflare.

Once you have informed your personal Event Consultant about the customised URL, we will make sure to connect the URL to the virtual event environment.

Last updated

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