Template editor

Here you can find multiple templates that can be personalized so it fits your branding!

The template editor allows you to create and edit emails that you can send to users of your event. We have provided some basic templates that can be edited and used for your event.

How to access the template editor

You can access the template editor from the Admin panel under:

Communication --> Mails --> Template editor

How to edit a template

Our standard templates can be used as a basis for your emails to your users. See the steps listed below to edit the template:

  1. Choose a template from the template overview.

  2. Give the template a name (so that it is easier to find in the template overview).

  3. Insert the subject of the mail.

  4. Adjust the content of the mail where relevant (see how you can further customise the template later in this article).

  1. To save your template, click the green 'Save' or 'Save for scheduling' button.

  2. To write an email with no template / blank, click the blue 'New' button on the top right.

A template cannot be deleted once the e-mail is scheduled for delivery

Always test your e-mails by sending a preview to yourself after your template is done. An e-mail will be sent to your e-mail address and you can test the working of all links.

Customise your template

You can set up variable elements within your mail template which change based on the information connected in the admin panel. See the full list of variable elements and where it is connected in the table below:

Event tagsDescription

Name of the organisation

General settings --> Organisation information --> Name of the organiser.

Organisation Address

General settings --> Organisation information --> Address of the organiser.

Organisation website

General settings --> Organisation information --> Website of the organiser.

App name

App settings --> General --> Name of the app.

Event name

General settings --> Event information --> Name of the event.

Email subject

Subject of the e-mail that you filled in the template editor.

Recipient tagsDescription

Recipients full name

Takes the full name from the users profile as listed in the admin panel.

Recipients first name

Takes the first name from the users profile as listed in the admin panel.

Recipients last name

Takes the last name from the users profile as listed in the admin panel.

Recipients email

Takes the email from the users profile as listed in the admin panel.

Recipients Login code

Provides users with their login code (or activation code taken from their profile in the admin panel).

Personal programme

Lists the personal program of the user.

Personal programme with speaker

Lists the personal program of the user with the relevant speaker name.

QR code app

Places a QR code within the email that users can use to check in to the event or login to the app.

Link tagsDescription

Personal download app link

Provides users with a personal link to download the app

Personal go to virtual event link

Provides users with a personal link to access and login to the virtual event

Exhibitor portal login link

Allows exhibitors to log in to their exhibitor portal

Accept RSVP

Allows users to accept the RSVP invitation

Decline RSVP

Allows users to decline the RSVP invitation

Update RSVP

Allows users to update the information they provided in the registration form (and thus the RSVP invitation)

Action button

You can add an action button that is placed in the header of the mail that directs users to either the app or virtual event.

Mail includes


Include badge

You can choose to include an A4 badge to the mail template that users can print and bring to a physical event for check-in purposes. The badge can be customised in the badge printing settings.

Include ICAL

Allows you to include an ICAL calendar invite in the mail.


Allows you to attach the users' certificate to the mail (usually sent at the end of the event).

Attach extra files

Allows you to include one or more files in the mail. Recommended file size is a maximum of 25 MB.

Add HTML to Virtual event

<a href="{{ virtual_event_url }}"> To virtual event </a>

Add HTML to QR code

 <img src="https://live.eventinsight.io/img/qr.jpg"> 

Multiple registrations on one email address

When there are multiple registrations on one email address, there will only be sent one email to this email address (per sent-out email).

For example, Laura and Tim both register for an event using the same email address. Then only one email will be sent out with two registration codes in it. This will be shown as follows:

As you can see, next to the code you can see which code belongs to who by name and tags. If there are more than two registrations on the same email address, these codes will be added to the list.

The tags in red will only be visible in case there are multiple users using one email address and the user tags for these users are different. This function can also be used if, for example, one person buys a normal ticket and an afterparty ticket. Then 2 codes will be shown with 2 different tags.

Cloning an Email

  1. Go On Template Editor.

  2. Under Actions click on the cloning icon. Proceed with 'Yes'.

  1. After selecting 'Save', the clone will be visible under templates.

Last updated

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